"Dimboola's New Hotel"
The reconstruction and rebuilding of the Victoria Hotel on the corner of Wimmera & Victoria Streets, Dimboola has been the result of giving the district a modern hostel where every comfort and convenience is installed.
Dimboola Banner Friday, September 26, 1924
With the opening of the newly constructed Victoria Hotel, Dimboola, the traverly public have had placed at their disposal every convenience. Dimboola now can offer to the general public accommodation equal to that of many other country centres of its size. The new building was officially opened for business on Tuesday afternoon last before an assemblage of about 400 residents. The arrangements of the function were under the directions of Messer R.G. Taylor and Bennett. Mr Bennett in his address stressed the point that Dimboola had been in need of such a hostel as the one erected for some time. The town had been progressing and with such a magnificent building which has cost in the neighbourhood of 15,000 pounds as an added attraction. It might act as an incentive to other business places to follow suit. There was every possible convenience installed in the building and he congratulated Mrs McDonald on having the management of such a palatial hostel.
Cr. Wiedermann, Perhaps one of the oldest residents in attendance at the function, spoke on behalf of the Shire Council. As one who had followed the fortunes of the hotel through its many phases he felt it must be gratifying indeed to Mrs McDonald to have under her care such a magnificent building. He referred to the representative gathering present which he said had reflected the popularity of Mrs McDonald. The hotel was one of the most modern and up-todate places north of Ballarat and was exceptionally well appointed throughout.
The speaker further dwelt on the history of the place and referred to the 'baby'

Victoria Hotel which was a wayside camp situated on the site of the present Wine Cafe. The new building was an attribute and ornament to the town of Dimboola and the owners were to be commended for their enterprise.
The establishment they were opening that day would add great popularity to the town. The work in the building reflected credit on the architect, who had carried out his duties capably, he had great pleasure in opening the door of the new building and inviting the public to view the inside of so modern a hostel.
When the doors were swung open the gathering took control of the place and for two hours every room was filled. The whole of the gathering was entertained by Mrs McDonald. During the afternoon the Dimboola Brass Band kept the company entertained with bright music.
Information supplied by: Bob Taylor. Thanks Bob.